3/1/2018 Lake Michigan Mermaid Event
March 1, 7:00 – 8:30 PM, Special prequel launch at Saugatuck Center for the Arts, Saugutuck
Intriguing Conversation, $16 | Cash Bar
Ticket includes a signed copy!!!
http://www.sc4a.org/Happenings/Lake-Michigan- Mermaid.aspx
MARCH 1 | 7:00 – 8:30 PM Intriguing Conversation with Authors
$16 | Cash Bar
Ticket includes a signed copy of Lake Michigan Mermaid
Join authors Linda Nemec Foster and Anne-Marie Oomen with illustrator Meridith
Ridl for an exciting book launch celebration and conversation inspired by our
exhibition “Surface Tension”.
During this debut event Foster and Oomen will showcase their process, original
illustrations, read a few excerpts and share their story of conception—speaking10
years later, in the very location the Mermaid project concept originated!