Anne-Marie gets to Interview Anna Quindlen???

Excuse all the exclamation points but OMG!!! I just learned that I will have the honor of interviewing a writer on whom I’ve had a literary crush for years! I can’t quite believe it yet, but I will be on stage of the Opera House with Anna Quindlen. Yes, the Anna Quindlen who wrote “One True Thing” and a couple dozen other great reads, who has a new book out “Write for your Life” in which she encourages–get this?!?–journal writing!!! Journal writing, a subject near and dear to my heart! And we get to talk about it at the National Writers Series event Tuesday, November 13, at the Opera House in TC, or you can register for the virtual version. Cross your fingers that I don’t just clam up with nervo-citement. Please please please join us if you can. Oh gosh, I’m just a bit pitterpated. Can I just say that?