On the Precipice: Pastels and Poems in conversation
“On the Precipice” pairs nine of Linda Alice Dewey’s lovely pastels with nine poems I wrote, inspired by her images and our conversations. The poems and pastels are now on exhibit at the Oliver Art Center one more week (June 10-25, 2021), in the beautiful small gallery–a quietly meditative space. In this time when everything seems to be speeding up, and we face the “return” to busy-ness, Linda and I invite you to the quieter moments, to sit with these vividly made pastels and to read the poems. This is an invitation to participate in our spiral of art, that gentle interplay that occurs when one is absorbing both image and text. We’ve tried to create a progression that explores the precipice, of standing on the edge, of looking toward a bluff, border, boundary–not in fear, but in wonder and earth-bound consciousness of our vulnerability. By thinking into this, you become part of our collaboration, bringing your thoughts to the interplay. We hope you will enjoy it.
We will also be exhibiting at the Glen lake Community Library in Empire from June 28 through July. Reception on June 29, 6:00pm. Warm thanks for any visit you make.
And from Ann Arbor poet and writer, Ellen Stone: I am just back from the Oliver Arts Center and this lovely show, the perfect pitstop on a cloud and sun filled morning up north. Right now, I think we all need to be reminded of those moments that linger, or make us pause, reminding us of how close we always are to the edge, to shifting. There was something deeply satisfying about these pastel images and poems sharing space together. This show was good for my soul. The Oliver Art Center is a balm, too. Hope you can see this project if you are lucky to be in this neck of the woods, like me. Glad it will continue up the lake for more of the summer. Peace to all, Ellen